Keeping Tradition and Culture Alive

Reliable Contractor for Preserving Historic Buildings

Keeping Tradition and Culture Alive

Reliable Contractor for Preserving Historic Buildings

Structural Reinforcement for Building Restoration Projects

Structural Reinforcement for Building Restoration Projects

Microcrystalline Grout Injection

Structural stability and waterproofing in historic restoration projects

Grout injection eliminates demolition and wholesale replacement costs

Reinforcement, Restoration, and Preservation of Structural Brick and Stone

The primary challenge to preservation in many of our historic structures is dependent upon the stabilization of the masonry foundation and structural walls. Today’s building codes impose more stringent requirements for ductility, lateral stiffness, and strength.

In the past, requirements for stabilization and structural reinforcement required unsightly or incompatible solutions that compromised the historic building fabric. Engineered grout injection is the contemporary, nondestructive, concealed, and invisible answer to masonry wall improvement.

Grout injection eliminates demolition and wholesale replacement costs while significantly reducing the overall project timeline. Shoring requirements are also vastly reduced in most cases.

Contemporary Services and Technologies

Highly experienced masonry restoration for:

  • Strengthening of masonry foundations and walls in preservation projects
  • Code compliance without replacement
  • Resolution of hydrostatic infiltration in composite wall construction
  • Structural crack repair
  • Façade restoration
  • Tectonic stabilization

Grout/Mortar Injection Technology – Compatible Injected Fill (CIF)

Masonry Grout Injection technology uses a specialized formulation of structural compounds that are injected into the voids of failing and otherwise noncompliant and structurally deficient masonry structures.

Historic Building Restoration

Compatible Injected Fill

Fixes stability issues with old masonry

Reinforce and Strengthen

Masonry and facades restored

Concealed and Invisible

Restore the classic beauty of your building

Proven Results

Hundreds of restoration projects around the world

Nondestructive and Safe

Retain the beauty of historic buildings

Fast and Less Expensive

No need for expensive and lengthy replacement projects

Contact Us Today (914) 720-0073


Historic Buildings Repaired


Satisfied Customers


Years of Experience

Contact Us Today (914) 720-0073


Historic Buildings Repaired


Satisfied Customers


Years of Experience

Some of Our Projects

  • Gomez Mill House
  • Rockefeller University
  • Orange County Firefighters
  • Jersey City Beacon Orpheum
  • Storm King Art Center
  • Maverick Concert Hall